Idaho Core Standards

What are the Idaho Core Standards?
The Idaho Core Standards aim to change the pattern of Math and English in the education system. These were created by state leaders with an aim to ensure that the students when graduating from high school were prepared to face the future and how they could use their learning in their careers. These new standards are to replace Idaho's old set of expectations for students. According to these new standards teaching and learning focus on critical thinking, problem-solving and strong writing skills, the real world skills students would need after graduation.
Why were new standards adopted?
The new standards were adopted in 2011 as the state’s policymakers, legislators, parents and businesses leaders, were worried that Idaho students are not be prepared for even for college under the old, lower standards. The results showed that while students cleared the state exams, they required additional help when applying for colleges.
How will students benefit from the Idaho Core Standards?
Idaho's Core Standards are set to ensure that the students of Idaho are at par with the students across the country. These new standards focus on critical thinking, problem-solving and strong writing skills, the real world skills students would need to be successful in their career. Also, these new standards focus on a deeper understanding of content and not just memorization and test-taking skills. In a nutshell, these new standards are clear and allow educators to explore essential topics in depth with their students rather than skimming the surface of infinite topics to prepare students only for tests.
What is the connection between standards and curriculum in Idaho?
The Idaho Core Standards set expectations for what students should know in each grade, but they are not a curriculum. Local school can still customize and select their own curricula and textbooks. If the new standards outline the goal or final destination, the curriculum describes the different routes that can be taken to get there.